The human brain is an extremely
powerful computer, but it also has its limitations. Cognitive biases are
systemic thinking errors that arise when processing and interpreting
environmental data and affect our conclusions, perception, and behavior. They
are often triggered by the brain's attempt to simplify the complex reality that
it perceives into already known patterns and patterns, a kind of mental
shortcut whose purpose is to facilitate daily life and decision-making.
Unfortunately, we can't get rid of Cognitive search biases, but the more
we learn about them, the more effectively we can reduce their impact on our
thinking and feelings.
A large part of the failures that occur within organizations come from a lack of communication and feedback between different departments professionals. To minimize them, knowledge management in companies arises as a mechanism to expand the relevant information throughout the company. Its fundamental strategy to be able to continue to maintain a business afloat in this new globalized world where international business relations they are becoming more complicated. It implies the development of certain competences within the organizations so that this knowledge is shared and used appropriately among its members.
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